
AI in the Built and Body Corporate Environment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way we live and work, and its impact is being felt across industries and sectors, including the built environment and strata management. This article […]

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By Julie McLean, Life Member, SCA (Vic)

April 10, 2024

Why Fast Internet is a Must-Have for Residents

With many of us now working and learning from home, being connected to a fast and reliable internet network is no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have. We’ve all experienced […]

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By nbn

April 10, 2024

Better Done than Perfect

The adage “Better Done than Perfect” holds significant value, particularly when coupled with the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). Leveraging AI to Enhance Strata Management Communication and to Reduce […]

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By Wal Dobrow, Director, BIV Reports

February 18, 2024

Fibre is the Future

An additional 700,000 eligible apartments in 50,000 strata complexes become ready to connect. It’s difficult to believe that just ten years ago the nbn® network didn’t exist – but now […]

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By nbn

February 18, 2024

AI – Take the First Step

Most of us are aware that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a marked and significant effect upon our society particularly in building business efficiencies. Benefits for a Strata Manager includes […]

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By Wal Dobrow, Director, BIV Reports Pty Limited

December 12, 2023

Elevate Your Building Maintenance — Get the Service you Deserve!

Unexpected car breakdowns and repairs are inconvenient, frustrating, and stressful, especially when you have a busy day ahead. Regular servicing and maintenance prevent this, to ensure your car is always […]

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December 12, 2023

Retrofit your building without any capital investment

No capital. No need to raise owner levies. Challenge solved. Smart Urban Properties Australia (SUPA) recognise the challenge owners corporations and building managers have in maintaining and improving their buildings […]

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By Supa

December 8, 2023