Inside Strata is a quarterly magazine that is produced seasonally, across Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. The publication has a 2,500 print run that is direct mailed to members, strata companies, industry specialists, sponsors, Federal and State government agencies, as well as individuals in the broader strata community.

But digitally, the reach is much greater, with the digital edition authorised for member companies to send direct to individual lot owners around Australia. This reach at an apartment and townhouse owner level is what sets Inside Strata apart from any other industry publication.To find out more about Inside Strata, please read the introductory letter or contact Marketplace Strategy Solutions.

View Inside Strata now!

​Simply click on the below cover images to view the digital versions of our member magazine.
SCA members will receive their copy in the post.


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Simply contact SCA on to discuss our media kit and talk advertising opportunities.