Industry News

The untapped net zero potential of the $1.3 trillion strata sector
Targeted reforms and support for the strata sector could help fast-track the government’s net zero initiatives, lower the cost of living and improve housing affordability, the peak industry body Strata Community Association says. The $1.3 trillion sector, which generates $6.7 billion in annual economic activity, has the ability to magnify the impact of the reforms […]

Labor calls on disaster relief boss to resign for criticising flood victims who want ‘to live among the gum trees’
Labor has called on the disaster relief agency boss, Shane Stone, to resign over comments appearing to blame people who “want to live among the gum trees” for the cost of recovering from catastrophic floods.

Liberal MP wants Coalition to expand $10bn scheme supporting insurers to cover all natural disasters
The Morrison government should expand its $10bn cyclone reinsurance pool in northern Australia to cover natural disasters – including catastrophic floods and bushfires – in other parts of the country, according to the scheme’s principal architect.

How to get your apartment neighbours to behave
Everybody living in strata hates the ideas of by-laws telling them what to do – until a fellow resident does something they don’t like. Apartment dwellers probably think they have too many strata by-laws or rules already, but there are a few new ones that many strata residents will wish they had.

Lismore businesses that couldn’t afford insurance premiums face huge flood damage bills
When Adam Bailey last sought insurance for his antiques shop in Lismore, nobody would offer cover except one firm that demanded $70,000 a year. The shop with its 150 year-old Japanese kites and rare jewellery was “like a museum” but Bailey and his other neighbours balked at paying out such premiums.

Don’t hold your breath on short-stays
The State Government has been quick to put the short-stay apartment rental issue into the spotlight but, so far, has offered only a platform to talk about it. Consumer Affairs Minister Jane Garrett last month announced a panel to look at the impact of short-stay accommodation in residential apartments and make recommendations to her and […]

Forum: Loan or levy? Choice isn’t really yours
Strata loans or special levies – if your strata scheme has to pay a bill how would you rather pay your share? A one-off hit to your bank account or payments spread across a few years via a strata loan that will attract interest?

Flood catastrophe insured losses could hit $2 billion
Flooding in NSW and Queensland is likely to lead to insured losses of at least $1 billion and possibly $2 billion, making it one of Australia’s worst flood events on record, S&P Global Ratings said today.

Floods pull multiple reinsurance triggers, pressuring prices
East coast flooding will trigger RACQ’s own reinsurance protection, making it the latest insurer after Suncorp to warn of such a hit. The hitting of reinsurance – insurance for insurers […]

Laying solid foundations for a digital future
“COVID-19 has created the conditions for the strata sector’s two most challenging years on record,” says Bellerby, a national director of the Strata Community Association and managing director of B […]

Government `failed to publish report on Grenfell-style cladding 20 years ago
The British government failed to publish reports stating that Grenfell-style cladding was unsafe for use on high-rise buildings 15 years before the fatal fire, an inquiry has heard.

Independent review examines strata sector
Steadfast has commissioned an independent review by consultant John Trowbridge into remuneration and the delivery of services in strata amid an increasing focus by regulators on issues affecting the high-density building sector. CEO Robert Kelly says the review may be completed over the next five or six weeks and will be available in the public […]

Lannock to manage NSW cladding loans
The NSW Government has appointed long-time Flat Chat supporter Lannock Strata Finance to manage the state’s Project Remediate interest-free loans, intended to help owners corporations with the cost of rectifying flammable cladding. According to a NSW Government Customer Services statement released last week, Lannock will “provide the drawdown services for these loans over the next […]

ACT cladding remediation work on track
Final remediation work to address combustible building cladding in the ACT is on track to be completed late this year after completion of work on four more government buildings. Applications for the Private Buildings Cladding Scheme remain open until July 21. Under that scheme, the ACT Government funds half of the cost of testing and […]

Strata reform talks ask: Should bodies corporate be able to issue fines for bad behaviour?
A strata reform roundtable is discussing whether bodies corporate should have the power to issue fines to people breaching by-laws in buildings. If approved, fines could be issued to people misbehaving on balconies, smoking or parking in incorrect areas, having unapproved parties or being too loud. Misbehaviour at major events, including Schoolies on the Gold Coast, has played […]

How to convince your apartment strata to go solar
With the federal government dragging its feet on legislating to reduce carbon emissions, many Australians are decreasing their individual carbon footprints, changing their lifestyles and even their homes to become more sustainable. Installing solar panels, solar hot water systems and rain tanks is relatively straightforward on detached houses, but the increasing number of apartment dwellers […]

Why your strata manager doesn’t want to share everyone’s email address
How do you feel about the idea of everyone else in your apartment block having your email address? Not keen? Okay, how would you feel if you urgently needed to get in touch with other owners about a problem in your block, but you were prevented from contacting them directly? Invest or live in apartments […]

COVID restrictions result in strata repairs ‘backlog’
CHU-owned Flex Insurance says there is a backlog of claims repairs waiting to be completed at strata properties after more than a year of pandemic lockdowns, echoing similar observations about COVID curbs hindering insurers’ ability to progress building works. GM Frank Scamarcia says strata service providers such as repairers, restorers and safety inspectors have had […]

Chris Duggan Welcomed as New SCA (National) President
Strata Community Association (SCA National) is excited to announce Chris Duggan as its next President along with Joshua Baldwin as Vice-President. Mr Duggan has recently served as the President of SCA (NSW) since 2015, having sat as a director since 2009, and is the Group Managing Director of the Bright & Duggan Property Group. He […]

Four in 10 new apartment buildings have major defects: NSW Building Commissioner
Almost four in 10 new apartment buildings in NSW have serious defects, costing an average $331,829 per building to fix, a new survey has found, although resolutions are rare. Waterproofing (23 per cent) was the most common major defect followed by fire safety (14 per cent), while almost one in 10 buildings had structural and […]

Meet the man on a mission to restore buyers’ trust in off-the-plan homes
A recent survey conducted with strata manager association Strata Community Association NSW discovered that 36 per cent of new buildings in the state had some structural defects but that only 19 per cent of those were reported to the Office of Fair Trading. The remaining 81 per cent were hiding them, falsely protecting their property […]

NSW off-the-plan apartment buyers soon able to claim on insurance defects arising within first 10 years
Buyers of off-the-plan high-rise apartments in NSW might soon be able to claim on insurance for any defects arising within the first 10 years in a massive game-changer for the apartments sector. Unlike for all other new homes, there’s been no home warranty insurance available for apartment developments over three storeys in height anywhere in […]

‘Eye opener’: taxes take up more than a quarter of strata premiums
Peak body Strata Community Association (SCA) has again pressed for the removal of taxes on insurance products as a report it commissioned reveals more than a quarter of strata premiums went to government levies such as stamp duties.

New laws by NSW Government to end blanket ban on animals in apartment blocks
While the current lockdown has highlighted the importance of pets in providing companionship within families, fresh laws by the NSW Government will herald a new era for strata living.

Government, building managers prepared for high-rise COVID risk
The Strata Community Association ACT has just issued a guide to buildings managers on preventing an outbreak and what to do if there is one. SCA ACT president Shelley Mulherin said their member’s-only Best Practice Guideline to COVID-19 & Apartment Living was a practical guide to ensuring the building kept running, and staff and residents […]

Fears apartment theft is on the rise in Melbourne as workers return to the office
As millions of Melbournians returned to their offices, some properties experienced a spike in theft. SCA (Vic) President Gregor Evans spoke to Nine News in June about the role that residents, owners and strata management play in keeping strata communities safe.

Concerns raised in Senate Estimates over the safety of products used in Australian buildings
Federal Senate estimates have recently heard concerns outlined by industry groups over the safety standards applied to products used in the construction and maintenance of Australian buildings.

Why Apartments could be the New Quarter Acre Block
For more and more Western Australians, the Great Australian Dream of home ownership is being realised through owning an apartment. SCA (WA) President Catherine Lezer explained how this dynamic change has taken place.

What does an owners corporation (body corporate) do and how much do they cost?
One in five Australians live in a strata-titled property today. SCA (NSW) President Chris Duggan and SCA (Vic) President Gregor Evans spoke about how owners corporations work, their purpose, benefits to owners and residents, and costs to engage.

Federal government announces reinsurance pool to cover cyclone damage in northern Australia
The Morrison Government announced the establishment of a $10 billion Reinsurance Pool and $40 million Strata Title Resilience Pilot Program. SCA has long advocated for the establishment of a reinsurance pool and is actively engaged with the Federal Treasury working on the design and delivery of each program.

Spotlight on strata laws as apartment demand surges
Revised strata laws implemented in Queensland in March 2021 have increased the profile and attention by homebuyers to this sector of the property market.

Federal Government Budget Support for Apartments
Following tireless advocacy from SCA, the Morrison Government announced in April its intention to extend the eligibility criteria for the successful HomeBuilder stimulus package in the 2021-22 Budget.

Strata office investments hitting new highs
Investments into office spaces within strata-titled buildings in the major capital cities has increased recently, indicating increased confidence that the market will bounce back from 2020’s lows.