SCA (TAS) President Report 2022
The strata industry in Tasmania is maintaining its trajectory of undergoing considerable growth, as the popularity of living in close proximity to work, transport and shopping precincts has driven the rise in of apartment and townhouse living throughout the state. As a result, we at SCA have continued to strive towards our core obligation: to uplift the strata industry, retaining a firm focus on improving professionalism in the sector and raising the profile of both strata living and strata management.
This year SCA had the unique opportunity to address some of the fundamental challenges facing the growing strata titles environment in Tasmania.
The main piece of legislation that governs strata (the Strata Titles Act 1998) is in the process of undergoing a comprehensive review. The evaluation is being undertaken by the Tasmanian Government in relation to complex strata issues that require both additional analysis and consideration prior to implementation.
As the peak industry body for bodies corporate and strata management, we made it a priority to contribute consistent feedback to the Tasmanian Government throughout this process,
with the overarching goal of driving improved outcomes for consumers, managers and strata
industry stakeholders alike.
However, despite the progress made over the past year, it is important to acknowledge that some of the challenges that have plagued the strata industry in Tasmania have continued to persist.
The tumultuous nature of the housing market in Tasmania is as consequential as ever, as residents tackle an affordable housing and rental crisis.
Strata under and non-insurance remains a common occurrence for a large proportion of strata schemes, which may be immensely problematic in the event of an incident. It is also estimated that 90 per cent of the bodies corporate in Tasmania are still inactive to this date.
We have a long way to go before strata participation, engagement and understanding is at a level the industry could be proud of across Tasmania.
SCA is committed to pursuing solutions that seek to build the knowledge and understanding of strata for Tasmania’s population. We’re doing this through working with the state Government and the Recorder of Titles to ensure that the legislative reforms implemented in the future will result in a strong regulatory framework, and adequately address the challenges the industry continues to face.
We want to continue to build on the positive momentum that we have obtained over the past year, and launch strata firmly into the scope of the public eye, media discourse and the Tasmanian Governments’ long-term agenda.
SCA is forging a path forward so that all Tasmanians will see strata living as an attractive and viable option.
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