SA/NT President Update – June 2023

As we approach the midway point of 2023, SCA (SA/NT) has taken strides to serve and represent the strata sector as its peak body, endeavouring to uphold the needs of our members by collaborating with government and industry alike, ensuring that policies being shaped represent the best interests of our members and the wider strata industry.

SCA’s recent presence in the Northern Territory has afforded SCA (SA/NT) with a vital opportunity to explore the immense potential for growth in the NT strata industry, collaborating with key members, along with government representatives like Northern Territory AG Chansey Paech, with a strong focus on the exciting potential for reforms to strengthen the strata management industry in the state.

South Australia continues to undergo consideration of legislation that will have a significant impact on strata, notably including the potential for lease limits for short-term letting accommodation. Notably, the Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) cladding removal scheme is well underway, with what appears to be limited uptake so far.

From a national perspective, SCA has been focused on driving growth across all jurisdictions, expanding resources in order to provide the appropriate level of support, guidance and advocacy that is required to navigate the complexities of the contemporary strata landscape. 

Notably, these efforts have culminated in the release of two compelling reports over the past few months. The first of which, released on 31 May, was SCA’s Phase 2: Electric Vehicles in Strata Challenges Report, a comprehensive analysis of the specific issues relating to the integration of EVs into strata. SCA’s Australasian Strata Insights Report 2022 was then released on 14 June, featuring a data-driven snapshot of the strata industry in Australia and New Zealand. It found that:

  • There has been 7 per cent growth in the number of strata-titled lots in Australia in the last two years.
  • There are now more than three million strata and community-titled lots (units, townhouses etc.) in Australia.
  • Strata-titled properties in SA have an insured value of over $32 Billion.
  • Strata-titled properties in the NT have an insured value of over $9.6 Billion.
  • A projected population range living in strata title in South Australia of between 152,937 and 262,178 people; or between 9% – 15% of the total population.
  • A projected population range living in strata title in the Northern Territory of between 38,688 and 61,712 people; or between 17% – 27% of the total population.

These reports are invaluable tools, that may be utilised extensively in policy and advocacy efforts moving forward.

In June of this year, SCA also held its pre-eminent 2023 National Conference in Darwin, NT. This year’s theme, ‘Standards Matter,’ focused on uplifting the standards of the strata industry in Australia and New Zealand, with speakers covering a range of topics for participants wanting to enhance their education, absorb the specialist knowledge of professional leaders and take their business to the next level.

As we look towards the latter half of the year, we are excited to continue our productive cooperation with government authorities and the strata sector, as we strive for the development and prosperity of strata in both SA and NT.

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