NZ Recap – Summer 2020

Kia ora,
I’m not sure where 2019 went, but I can assure you in keeping on theme with my recent publications, SCA (NZ) will hit the ground running in 2020 and my focus remains on wellbeing, resilience, key token words, humans being and strata stress!
We continue to navigate through challenging legislation, a construction boom, leaky buildings, building, cladding and passive fire defects and the mosaic that is strata, while in the background driving the paradigm shift in creating better bodies corporate, communities and education. However, we also need to focus on that unconscious frame of internal growth and development that we so often forget about in the day to day grind.
While we jest from time to time, the challenges we face are very much an echo of those experienced and spoken about by my fellow Presidents and colleagues; we continue to develop and learn in leaps and bounds, not just from our trans-Tasman partners but internationally through both trial when disaster strikes, or through ingenuity and technology. We continue to absorb and be grateful for all the knowledge sharing, resources and relationship building.
SCA (NZ) was established to form a united voice and champion the Strata industry in New Zealand. As human beings we are a social species that rely on interaction to survive and thrive. Much like society, our industry can support evolution by promoting interconnections between previously segregated areas.
This chimes with our current drive to grow our networks and dialogue with other Associations and Institutes, including the Property Council and Law Societies, Planners and Architects.
And while the strata industry and SCA (NZ) as the peak National Industry Body stays abreast of a burgeoning industry amidst inadequate regulation with often tested and challenging gaps, overtime, the perception of flawed legislation has been confirmed by events in the sector; including, but not limited, to the disclosure regime, long-term maintenance plans, strengthening governance, codes of conduct, professionalism for body corporate managers and better accessibility for dispute resolution. While these silos are by no means all inclusive, they have been identified as priorities for reform.
SCA (NZ) is a member of the Unit Title Working Group initially formed in 2016 by then Minister Nikky Kaye. Its membership also includes Auckland District Law Society, Real Estate Institute of New Zealand, and Home Owners and Buyers Association. The Working Group lobbied Government to review the Unit Titles Act 2010 which resulted in MBIE issuing a consultation paper and taking submissions in 2017. The
Working Group then drafted the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Bill supported by Judith Collins and Nikky Kaye with the hope it would trigger the new coalition government to take further submissions at Select Committee level and treat reform as a priority. Unfortunately, the call for reform came to a halt with the new Government focusing elsewhere and claiming a lack of resources.
As advised previously, the Working Group have regrouped and recently launched a petition seeking urgent reform under the name FLAU – an acronym for Fix Laws on Apartments and Units – has been launched. On its behalf, Charles Levin has filed a petition urging the Government to reform the law.
The SCA (NZ) Executive sees this is an important opportunity to bring reform back to the table, and if you haven’t already, it encourages its members to sign the petition, along with their friends, family and colleagues.
The petition can be found here:
Some highlights of SCA (NZ) over the past 12 months include the following activities:
– Annual Symposium with Auckland District Law Society
– Networking drinks in March 2019 together with ACSL
– NZ100 Introduction to Living and Working in the Strata Community 3-day education program
– Committee Training
– Since our last Inside Strata, we have had a very successful Manager Round Table Strata Chat, and a fabulously festive SCA (NZ) Christmas Celebration as you will see from our events page.
These activities and more are being driven from our executive committee, and I would like to thank each of them for the extra time, energy and effort they have contributed in order to make it possible to take on extra initiatives that will improve the experience for our members, sponsors and our clients and industry.
Whilst we have achieved much in the past year, and it is good to celebrate the successes we have had, it is always with an eye to the future and the greater tasks ahead. In 2019, we held a strategy session to review the Australasia Strategic Plan and identify the areas we would focus on within New Zealand. In 2020 we will do the same with the focus on the following 3 pillars, while still maintaining the others:
1. Educate and inform all participants within the sector
2. Advocate and lobby to government, the public and other bodies
3. Enhance SCA brand and sector reputation
Industries have never been more at risk of disruption and with the number of disciplines covered by the Strata sector, we are in the unique position of being able to adapt and evolve at an unprecedented rate. While still always having the security of knowing the human element allows us to use forums such as SCA and our rapidly growing network to manipulate behaviour, improve perception and enhance dopamine!
As we journey through this transition and identify what’s right, what works, and what doesn’t for the Strata sector, no matter what the threat is… It’s comforting to know, we’re in this together!
Now, more so than ever, our professional standing and credibility makes a difference to how our professional services are valued, clarity to our direction and to raise the profile of the Association. With the global recognition of CAI and SCA behind us everyone in the sector benefits equally from our successes.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all our partners. Without their support, none of this would be possible. Our Partners for this past year include Solutions in Engineering, as well as our Rothbury Insurance Brokers.
As a not-for-profit membership organisation, the measure of success for SCA (NZ) is less about dollars and more about impact and outcomes. 2020 is shaping up to be another busy and fruitful year for our Chapter, with a new dynamic Executive board of Clinton Baker, Liza Fry-Irvine, Elizabeth Bennie, Scott Cracknell, Thomas Gibbons, Adriana Radich, Wendy Baker, Lisa Mak and myself.
2019 was all about collaboration and I am very positive about 2020 and the future for SCA (NZ). We are so privileged to have had the ongoing support of all our Australasian colleagues and I am so grateful for all their ongoing input, knowledge and resource sharing.
Thank you again to our amazing Executive, sponsors, local and international members whose unwavering support, guidance and loyalty has contributed to where we are today and here’s to the year ahead!
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson
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