Engagement with building residents a key priority for Cladding Safety Victoria

Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) is always working to keep owners corporations and tenants informed about rectification works.

CSV communicates directly with owners corporations involved in our cladding rectification program via our designated Customer Liaison Officers (CLOs). Our CLOs help each individual owners corporation through the process and acts as a consistent point of contact between CSV and the owners corporation. Since the program commenced, we’ve met with more than 550 individual owners corporations via our CLOs.

CSV also shares information directly with residents and tenants in buildings where cladding rectification is underway. CSV distributes fire safety advice to owners corporations and residents in the form of a letter three times a year, with an easy to read fire safety information postcard also posted to the letterbox of each resident in our program once a year.

Information about the program specifically for residents and tenants as well as owners corporations is also available on Cladding Safety Victoria’s website.

As well as these existing forms of communication, CSV has recently implemented a new additional layer of information for residents, with the introduction of a poster to let people know what to expect when cladding rectification works are underway on their building.

The poster includes a QR code that residents can scan that answers questions they may have about what the works mean for them. We’ve asked our Independent Project Managers responsible for managing our works to print this poster and display in building commons areas frequented by residents.

CSV will continue to find new ways of communicating directly with residents and tenants to make sure they know what is happening with works in their building.

The progress of the program has been rapid to date, with more cladding removed in Victoria than any other state or territory in Australia. We have funded more than 270 rectifications to date and have also discharged about 150 buildings from the program after our assessments found that no action was required or that they were out of scope for funding.

For more information about Cladding Safety Victoria’s program, please visit the website: www.vic.gov.au/cladding-safety.

Information for owners corporations: www.vic.gov.au/i-am-part-owners-corporation.

Information for tenants: www.vic.gov.au/i-am-tenant-residential-building.

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