SCA (TAS) has had an engaging start to the year in regards to advocacy, capitalizing on the opportunity to address some of the fundamental challenges facing the growing strata titles environment in Tasmania.
The main piece of legislation that governs strata in Tasmania (the Strata Titles Act 1998) is currently undergoing a comprehensive review. Following a public consultation process in 2020, and the resultant publishing of a Consultation Feedback Report, further evaluation is being undertaken by the Tasmanian Government in relation to complex issues that require additional analysis and consideration.
As the peak industry body for Body Corporate and Strata Title Management in the state, SCA (TAS) has been involved contributing consistent feedback to the Tasmanian Government throughout this extensive process, most recently having been invited to participate in the targeted consultation stage of the review as a key stakeholder in the early stages of this year.
After engaging with Tasmanian members on a number of issue areas, including body corporate insurance, common property and service infrastructure, disclosure of body corporate records, dispute resolution processes and regulation of strata mangers, SCA (TAS) provided a comprehensive response to the Recorder of Titles on 21 March 2022 that best represented the needs of our members and the industry as a whole.
SCA (TAS) will continue to work with the state Government and the Recorder of Titles to ensure that the legislative reforms implemented in the future will result in a strong regulatory framework, and that the amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1998 result in the best possible outcomes for strata industry stakeholders in Tasmania. SCA (TAS) will notify our membership of any significant developments in relation to the legislative review in the coming months.
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