Vic State Recap – Summer 20/21

Another year over, and a new one just begun – so this is 2021!
Just what does it look like for you and our industry? Well, it may be too early to say but we know strategically we’re aligned to forge ahead in a strata era.
According to Michael Maness, the first Innovator in Residence at Harvard Business School and a keynote speaker at the Macquarie Perspective 2020 conference, if we step back and take a larger view, all firms sit on a Universal Arc of creation, growth, stall and stagnation. This concept is particularly relevant in times of disruption – like what we all experienced last year in the strata industry. For many who have been introduced to this concept, the Universal Arc thinking was the catalyst for refocusing their efforts to encompass not just efficiency and growth at their core business but exploring ‘what’s next’.

So just what is next for you, for us, for strata?
It was more recently the focus of discussions among our business owners at a recent Special Interest Group, looking more closely and personally into this concept, while we also applied the same looking glass to our industry as a whole. Engaging as we move toward establishing a working environment and recognition of a professionalized strata sector.
As the newly appointed President of SCA (VIC), I’m proud and excited to lead the charge as we forge into a new era. One which builds on the strengths we’ve discovered, the skills we’ve developed and our own personal ability to adapt to meet our current needs and changing circumstances.
The culmination of our recent experiences, knowledge and passion has informed our recent Strategy Day.
As your appointed Board, we not only identified our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as an association, but are developing a plan that will see us progress a more professional future for you and all involved in strata.
To date, significant head way has been made with government through the pandemic, helping them to recognise ‘strata’ as a sector unto itself; not a real estate service, not a business, nor an entity just impacted by the construction industry. ‘Strata’ has since been used in the title of the Coronavirus website, Property Page which provides access to strata specific FAQs and resources produced specifically to address our industry’s unique concerns.
Too little too late, you say? Maybe. But we see this as an opening of doors, an acknowledgement of the credibility of our industry’s position and welcome the forthcoming invitations to join and contribute to the many and varying, current and future consultative conversations.
One of the most significant conversations, will be the introduction of the Owners Corporations legislative Bill. Not yet through Parliament, the Minister for Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV), announced its delay at our major event. Disappointing but understandable under the pressures of 2020. It remains pleasing to have heard that Government is committed to a 2021 post implementation review of the Owners Corporations Amendment (Short Stay Accommodation) Act 2018 and acknowledged the merit of a licensing scheme for strata managers, as proposed by SCA (VIC) in private discussions.
Such a scheme will go a long way to raise the professional standards of our industry. Tying CPD to the registration system of strata managers and seeing CAV partner with SCA (VIC) to deliver the training. What you stand to gain, is recognition as a professional, that offers your clients greater peace of mind and instilling in them, confidence in the advice and services you offer. Changing the perspective of many and inviting positive reinforcement of the important role you play. A role mostly underestimated during the pandemic, the emergence of the combustible cladding crisis and the overwhelming impact of defective building works.
We need to be recognised for the quality of the positions we hold and the service we provide.
Coming as a surprise to most, it’s apparent that while no qualifications are required to practice as a strata manager, you are expected to take on the responsibilities to mitigate not just the day-to-day risks, but also those that arise during emergencies and impact both the lot owners’ assets and more importantly, their livelihood and lives.
The challenges our industry faces have literally grown to epidemic proportions, with 2020, let’s just say a year like no other, giving rise to challenges never before experienced in our lifetime. Its proven tiring for many, if not most, yet with each trial, we develop our skills, our character and our resolve. Its led to the adherence of new socially acceptable norms, acceptance of new processes and emergence of new leaders.
As you know it’s out of the ashes that the phoenix rises, so we ensured although amidst lockdown, that we created the space to celebrate the winners of our SCA (VIC) Pillar Awards for Excellence. Congratulations to the deserving winners, all our finalists and nominees. There were some hard decisions for our judges with the depth and quality of Members’ submissions. A full recap of the event will be featured in the Social Pages of the Autumn 2021 edition.
In this edition’s Social Pages you’ll see images captured from the CHU, Macquarie Bank SCA (VIC) Strata in Motion. Held online in October last year, it remained the biggest event of our Education Calendar Year. Here’s a few words shared by your fellow members,
“What a great alternative to the ‘usual’ symposium”
“Surprised by how well it came off in the untested environment of a virtual conference”
Of most value was “Being able to have one on one time, uninterrupted, with the sponsors” and that “the event was very well presented and covered a wide range of topics relevant to the strata industry. The keynote speaker was extraordinary and relevant in these times of adversity and standing up for your values.” Many, if not all sessions, showcased “the opportunities that are presented by the changing conditions”.
The event not only allowed for education, it also created opportunities for engagement and social interaction and we are thrilled by the buzz that filled the virtual rooms during and at its conclusion! Thanks to all our speakers, sponsors and guests who contributed to its success. It’s an industry event for the industry and we’re excited by what may be possible this year as we continue to progress!
As a Board we’re taking stead and forging full steam ahead alongside the SCA (VIC) secretariat, having recognised the need and being committed to our vision to be the Voice of all in the Strata Industry. We’re doing this by targeting an increased awareness of strata living with government and all stakeholders, as well as raising the standing of Strata Managers as a profession and as a chosen career path.
Looks like 2021 is going to be a busy year and we welcome the opportunities it brings.
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