TAS President Annual Report 2022-23

It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to pause, and reflect on the progress and development of SCA Tasmania. Our journey so far has been marked by both significant challenges and opportunities, as we continue to push forward in our mission to create a thriving and sustainable strata landscape in our growing state.
We have seen the strata industry in Tasmania take substantial strides in recent years. According to the recently introduced 2022 Strata Insights Report, Tasmania now houses approximately 10,000 strata schemes and 37,000 strata lots, which total a property value of over 16 billion dollars. It is this level of urban development that supports as many as 14 per cent of Tasmania’s population living in strata across the state.
As strata grows, so too does the number of professionals that manage and support these thriving communities. We as an organisation understand the crucial role we play in supporting our members to meet the evolving needs of consumers, a responsibility that we do not take lightly.
Through our efforts, we have continued to engage with state and federal lawmakers, government representatives and stakeholders, to shed light on some of the most critical issues facing strata here in Tasmania, and push for change. Most notably, we eagerly await the result of the government’s investigations into reforms to the Strata Titles Act 1998, which promise to address the key issue areas of body corporate insurance, common property and service infrastructure, disclosure of body corporate information and records, dispute resolution processes and the regulation of strata managers.
As always, education remains at the heart of our mission. We are proud to have empowered our members with the knowledge and skills to excel in their roles, and navigate the complexities that strata has to offer. By investing in education, we can guarantee that our current and future strata managers and professionals are best placed to contribute to the overall advancement of the industry.
However, we acknowledge that we have a long way to go, and that the story of strata in Tasmania is far from complete. It is no secret that the strata industry is still developing, and not well understood by those outside of its orbit. By utilising our united voice, we are determined to continue to refine our strategies, engage in dialogue with government and collaborate with all stakeholders, to pave the way for transformative change.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to our valued members for your support and dedication, as we collectively shape the direction of strata in Tasmania. Without your collective efforts, I have no doubt that we would not be where we are today.
As we reflect on this year, we look forward towards the path that lies ahead. As our state continues its upward trajectory, we know that the strata industry is going to play a big role, and we are excited for what’s to come.
I am confident by upholding the values and standards that are set by SCA here in Tasmania, and across Australia and New Zealand, we can continue to build a strong sense of community, and uplift the strata sector to its full potential.
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