SA State Recap – Summer 2020

On the 1st November 2019, we hosted that 2019 CHU SCA(SA) awards night to recognise and reward the individuals who have made a significant impact and contribution to our industry in South Australia.
It was a night full of celebration and community as all members honoured those who had gone above and beyond to make an impact.
With a year full of turbulence surrounding the building industry, it was a pleasure to look around the room and see the members that are at the forefront of industry striving to not only maintain but progress the industry.
I would like to personally congratulate all the winners
Support Team Member: Sarah Steele, Strata Data
Strata Community Manager Rising Star: Ashleigh Teigesser, Strata Data
Strata Community Manager: George Paterson, Adelaide Strata & Community Management (ASCM)
Strata Community Management Small Business: Synergy Strata Management
Strata Community Management Medium Business: Horner Management
Strata Community Management Large Business: Whittles
Strata Services Business Award: Fire & Emergency Services SA
This is a night that everyone looks forward to every year, I look forward to working with the board over the next 12 months to see how we can further innovate the awards and show how we recognise our top achievers.
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