SA/ NT State Recap – Autumn 2021

What a great start to the year it has been in the Property Market here in South Australia, the flow on effect to the industry has been noticed with a huge number of settlements concerning Strata and Community properties.
This includes some great new developments that our members are involved in early with developers to assist with the creation and advice on what makes not only a smooth operating building but more importantly a collaborative community.
The board recently appointed Commercial & Legal to undergo a Review, Recommendation, Re-Write and Roll-Out of a new and updated Management Contract for exclusive use by SCA members. This Joint venture has had key stakeholders dig into the current contract and pull out the good and bad recently with C&L and as they complete the Review stage of the project. We are confident that the new agreement will be both robust and industry setting in SA & NT that will see clients requesting to have this contract as apposed to others.
As I write this, the bill which was introduced to the House of Assembly on the 3rd of March 2021, is currently sitting in and adjournment of the 2nd reading.
There are many items in this bill that will change the way we operate and both better align the STA and CTA.
Top 3 Changes
Quorum (STA & CTA amendment)
If a quorum is not present after 30 minutes has elapsed from the time appointed for a general meeting of the corporation, the persons entitled to vote who are present at the meeting are taken to constitute a quorum for the purposes of that meeting.
Service of Pamphlet (STA & CTA amendment)
The body corporate manager must, at least 5 clear days before the date of the meeting at which the corporation is to consider whether or not to enter into the contract serve on each member of the corporation a pamphlet that sets out the role of the body corporate manager and the rights of the community corporation and its members, including any matters prescribed by regulation
Voting at General Meetings (STA amendment)
A vote cannot be exercised in relation to a unit unless all amounts payable to the corporation in respect of the unit have been paid.
There are many more changes proposed in the bill that the SCA supports and in some cases have directly come from policy positions that have been shared with the Government at the time.
I have responded to the Attorney General with further clarification on our policy amendments and reasoning as to why.
What a great afternoon and thank you to all those who attended!
It was great to be back in a room together and have some quality education sessions intertwined with catching up with our great supplier supporters and others in the industry.
We would love to hear what you want to hear next time, please reach out and let us know of topics to have speakers keynote about.
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