Inside Strata – SCA Advocacy Round-Up

Strata Community Association
The SCA Advocacy Round-Up pulls out the highlights from SCA nationally, in each state and territory and in New Zealand. Summaries are brief and to the point – if you would like more information on any of the actions included below, contact Shaun Brockman, National Policy and Advocacy Manager,
The release of the national report —A Data-driven Holistic Understanding of Strata Insurance in Australia and NZ — by Dr Nicole Johnston at Deakin University was at the centre of much recent advocacy activity.
The online event to launch the report saw more than 850 members tune in online to be updated on the most in-depth research ever carried out on strata insurance issues.
Around the country, local SCA offices sought meetings with and met with governments, Opposition politicians, regulators and other interested parties to discuss the report’s findings, with more meetings and advocacy to follow.
The report was distributed to media outlets from broadcast to print and digital publications and received significant coverage, which along with other recent media exposure in state branches, constitutes the most media SCA has received in a quarterly period in the last three years.
Roadshows with Dr Johnston were also held for members in each jurisdiction and drilled down on state and territory specific data. different States and Territories.
Our education team swung into action and has been working on programs specific to insurance for members.
To help dissect what is a highly complex topic, SCA has created a range of explainer videos, infographics and animations which have been promoted on our website and through each of our social media channels.
The important ongoing consultations with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB on the implementation of the Building Confidence Report are ongoing and our detailed input is being well-received through the reform process.
With 2022 fast approaching, sustainability is set to be a focus for the New Year and will be the theme of the next national conference.
SCA (NSW) have continually liaised with the state government to oversee the effective implementation of the Professional Standards Scheme (PSS) for strata managers, effective 1 July 2021.
SCA (NSW) President Chris Duggan has been appointed Chair of the Property Services Body.
SCA (NSW) and the NSW Building Commissioner have jointly released the results of a survey of 1,400 strata managers in defects in residential buildings four storeys or higher built in the last six years.
SCA (NSW) also completed a submission concerning the Strata Legislation Review on 7 April 2021.
SCA (Vic) have continually lobbied for greater clarity in COVID-19 public health and sector guidance for strata and building operators, approaching the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) on multiple occasions to clarify regulations.
QR code check-in requirements in particular, have been clarified to limit these requirements to shared facilities where people are likely to gather for extended periods, as opposed to the confusion observed by managers in May-June 2021, where these issues became the subject of media attention and advocacy led by SCA (Vic).
SCA (Vic) have been successful in establishing a positive and effective working relationship with and The Hon Melissa Horne MP, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Liquor and Gaming Regulation, to regularly advocate for the industry on issue areas such as Owners Corporation laws and reviews, residential tenancy regulations, application of Australian Accounting Standards, short-term letting, sustainability, mental health, education and minimum standards.
SCA (Qld) is continuing to work intensively with the working group established to review and reform strata living in Queensland (Community Titles Legislation Working Group), as well as coordinating a Regulatory Framework Survey in April, before completing a submission on 14 May 2021. SCA (Qld) has proactively engaged Queensland and Federal Government ministers, MPs, Senators and departmental officials regarding insurance issues in the wake of the published Deakin Report.
SCA (WA) reached out to members of the re-elected McGowan government, following the election in March 2021. Meetings were secured with the Hon Dr Tony Buti MP, Minister for Lands, which have resulted in the successful establishment of a dedicated strata hotline, successfully meeting SCA (WA)’s election priority to secure better outcomes for consumers owning, living, or looking to get into the strata property sector.
SCA (SA/NT) completed a submission concerning the South Australian Government’s Embedded Networks Review on 24 May 2021 and appeared before a parliamentary committee to discuss their submission on 13 October 2021. SCA (SA/ NT) have proactively initiated and resources a taskforce to investigate and advocate for solutions to building defects including cladding in South Australia.
SCA (ACT) have contributed to consultation processes alongside SCA concerning the ACT Government’s Private Building Cladding Scheme, leading up to the announcement of the scheme on 21 July 2021. SCA (ACT) has secured meetings with high-level government officials including the Minister of Health to advocate for issues relating to COVID-19 in the ACT in light managing the recent lockdowns, and the roadmap forward.
SCA have worked alongside CHU and other stakeholders to raise awareness of the issues surrounding a systemic lack of strata insurance coverage in Tasmania.
SCA (NZ) has submitted the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (2021) submission and will continue to advocate for its effective introduction.
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