CEO’s Message – Summer 2022

It’s fair to say that 2021 has seen an equal share of better fortune and accomplishments compared to the challenges that have continued to face us all; nowhere else but at SCA has this ever been more apparent.
2021 has served as a year of growth and renewal for our organisation, at the national and state and territory levels. From the leading licensing reforms introduced in New South Wales with the introduction of a Professional Standards Scheme (PSS) administered by SCA (NSW), to the announcement in the Federal Budget of the Northern Australia Reinsurance Pool and Strata Title Resilience Schemes, the profile of SCA and our dual roles as a representative and educational body have exponentially increased.
2021 marked the first step in our three-year strategy uplifting the reputation of the strata industry. The progress in meeting this objective has been substantial, with unparalleled engagement with government and other stakeholders across the board to make this happen.
The SCA Australasian Mentoring Program started to support working towards building a resilient strata workforce and to provide new entrants to the sector with a support network. With our pilot program coming to a close shortly, it has been wonderful to see the connections made between our Mentees and Mentors. Many of which will last a lifetime.
SCA in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia have been hard at work in building the relationships within government needed to realise reforms aimed at increasing the professionalism of the sector, and build relationships based on trust and understanding.
In 2022, the focus of SCA will focus further on the power of the strata sector to increase our presence both within the strata industry itself, but also the property industry and public sphere.
Year on year we are improving professional practice within the industry, formalising CPD, strata-specific and SCA specific qualifications and improving the quality of our training, member activities and events. 2022 will be no different, as SCA across Australasia strives towards more recognition of our professionalism and moves to more formalised structures and agreements to lock in those improvements.
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